Holistic Wellness

through all layers- mind, body & spirit

We cannot separate our physical health from our emotional, spiritual and energetic health.   Especially for those "wounded healers" who have experienced trauma, are deeply empathic and have taken on the energy and stress of others, it is imperative that we address not only the physical body but also the energy body and the spirit body to find and heal at the root.  Start your healing journey today with loving, supportive guidance and a truly integrative approach.

I help women overcome stress, burnout and multi-generational trauma by combining Functional Medicine, Energy Work and Intuitive Healing and Guidance.


The mind is a powerful ally in the journey toward health and well-being. We understand how mental patterns & stressors can impact the body. Through treatments like Somatic Breathwork, Reiki, and others, we help you learn to quiet mental chatter and provide relief from the psychological impacts of stress and trauma.


Chronic stress can take a toll on your health.  From hormone dysregulation to joint pain, inflammation, weight gain, fatigue, autoimmune disease and more.  Instead of just masking symptoms, we use a Functional Medicine approach to get to the root cause, and teach you how to understand and address your body's needs. 


Your spirit holds the key to deep and meaningful change. With Compassion Key sessions and Intuitive Energy Work, we facilitate the release of spiritual and emotional burdens, paving the way for profound healing. Our practices are designed to clear karmic imprints and foster a sense of profound connection with your innermost self, 

Hi there, I'm Jacque!

Lightworker, Functional Med NP, Reiki Master, Trauma Warrior

& your personal tour guide on the pathway to wholeness 

My path to healing began not as a practitioner, but as a patient. After navigating the joys and challenges of motherhood with four wonderful children, and facing my own battle with an autoimmune disease, I reached a point of complete burnout. This was a turning point that led me on a profound journey towards holistic wellness.

I had a hard time finding the help I needed to truly heal my mind, body and spirit, and so I embarked on a journey to be the healer I needed.  As a Nurse Practitioner certified in Functional Medicine, a Reiki Master, and a Certified Level I Compassion Key Practitioner, and Certified Holistic Pelvic Care™ and Holistic Pelvic Energy™ practitioner, my personal experiences have deeply informed my professional practice. In addition to these tools and techniques, I also incorporateintuitive readings, and the transformative power of Sound Healing into my sessions.  In the Spring of 2024, I will be adding SomatIQ Breathwork to this toolkit.   

I've learned that I am here as a bridge, a teacher and a guide.  My commitment is to bring this blend of credentials and personal understanding to guide others through their healing. I believe in addressing the root causes of distress, not just the symptoms, moving beyond the "pill for every ill" approach. My passion lies in weaving the strengths of both conventional and alternative healthcare to tailor a healing journey that's as unique as the individuals I'm privileged to work with.

Joining you on your path to health and happiness is not just my profession; it's my soul's work. You're not alone on this path.  Welcome to a community where your wellbeing is our shared mission.

How I can help you:

Soma+IQ Breathwork

Using the transformative power of sound and the breath to help release stored stress, emotion and trauma, while inviting in the positive changes we want to see in our lives- a remembering of who we came here to be.  Individual and Group sessions.

Usui Holy Fire® & Angel Reiki

Combining the teachings of Usui Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki and Reiki with Angels, this is a powerful and gentle form of energy healing that promotes balance, relaxation, peace, and well-being

Compassion Key Healing

A unique healing technique that utilizes the power of self-compassion to release deep-seated emotional and energetic blockages and clear karmic imprints.

Pelvic Bowl Energy Healing

This unique modality involves  restorative breathing exercises, guided visualization, energy healing, and core energy repatterning. Jacqueline combines her training in Holistic Pelvic Care™ and Holistic Pelvic Energy™ (taught by Tami Lynn Kent, MSPT) with Reiki & Angel Communication.   This therapy may also include work on repatterning birth field energy to assist in healing from traumatic birthing experiences, or energetic womb healing to assist with processing the grief from pregnancy loss.

Functional Medicine

An approach to health that seeks to identify and treat the underlying root causes instead of just treating the symptoms. In order to find and treat the root cause, we have to look at the whole person- because we cannot separate our physical health from our mental, emotional and spiritual health.  I have partnered with Flourish Counseling and Wellness to provide Functional Medicine services.  Clicking below will take you to the Flourish website where you can learn more and get scheduled. 

~Coming Soon~

The Blissful Heart Center

People healing the land, and the land healing people

Find respite in the heart of Virginia at our premier healing and retreat center offering luxury glamping, cabin and tiny home rentals and curated retreats and workshops.  Nourish your mind, body and soul with farm-fresh foods, time in our Eco Spa and a selection of wellness services including group yoga, meditation and breathwork classes, Reiki treatments, massage, acupuncture and more.  

With eco-friendly permaculture design and sustainable land management practices, Blissful Heart Center is a place where people help heal the land and the land helps heal people.


Results speak for themselves

What others have to say:

“I absolutely loved working with Jacqueline! She has a true passion for women's health and it shows. I enjoyed learning a more holistic approach to healing myself from the inside out while under her care. If you're looking for a healthcare professional that is not only compassionate about your care but also empathetic look no further!”


"The Pelvic Bowl Energy Healing with guided meditation/visualization and reframe of my birth trauma has brought me such incredible peace. Carrying that trauma has been incredibly heavy and now when I think of my son's birth I "see" a serene powerful experience where my body's wisdom led the birthing experience and was allowed to open and bring forth life in a manner that was best for me and my baby. I am so incredibly grateful to Jacqueline for her work, it is truly transformative."


“Jacque is a fantastic choice if you’re interested in functional medicine! She’s both an advocate for and an example of improvement in the way women are treated in the healthcare world. Jacque was patient, caring, and clearly had my personal health as her top priority. She did a wonderful job explaining what all my test results actually meant, and did a great job creating a realistic healthcare plan for the future.

Highly recommend!”


“When perimenopause occurred my body suddenly felt old due to aching muscles and joints and brain fog. I also learned I had osteopenia. Unsatisfied with my PCP’s vague “take calcium” response, I sought out Jacqueline Boone. Her extensive knowledge has helped me understand the complexity of the interplay between various vitamins, minerals, and hormones. By her identifying what my body was needing and making some basic changes, I now feel much better physically and mentally. I am appreciative of her support and guidance.”





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Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

© 2024 Blissful Heart, PLLC  All Rights Reserved

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